20. The one that broke your heart the hardest

Dear MC.
Heh. This is so childish cause you were just a crush but I dont think I've actually had my heart broken.. Not like OMGSH WHY? :'( But yeah... ON TO THE LETTER! Hi. Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Kyleen. You may know me as... ex best friend.
Primary school crushes were so.. trivial and insignificant. We were so close and I guess we still could be but I remember that time in year 6 you were like "I think I like [insert name here]" and I was all :( But meh i was dramatic and now that I think about it, it was kinda ridiculous but that's a 12year old kid for you. Actually, even at the time it wasn't that big a deal cause I liked being your go to and being closer to you than she was and yeah.. I preferred being your best friend and being able to hang out with you rather than have you be all nervous around me on the off chance that you did like me :P hehe This sounds so dramatic and too.. petty to be put nder the title of a 'heartbreak' but seriously, I cannot think of another heart-breaking scenario cause before Ihad the chance to get all cut up over a guy, I'd get over them altogether... weird O_O Ok, yeah.. Here's to a dodgy letter !
Love Lots, Kyleen


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