New Layout!

Ok as you may have noticed, I have a new layout:D YES I LIKE BLEACH!! The writing is a bit too small for my liking but DEAL WITH IT! please comment and tell me what you think! Big thanks to Holly for doing this for me:) Lol i am such anoob its CRAZY! I couldnt figure out how to do it:P So enough about the layout...

Omgsh today in ag the funniest thing happened and im sorry lisa for mentioning it but man i have to! So we're on that road near the Dairy shed thats really muddy and crap-covered right? and this is what happened:
Mr McAlpin: Down by the gate, you can see the massive puddle and it would be impossible to walk through.
Lisa: Sir, wouldnt it be less muddy on the other side of the puddle rather than going through the dairy shed path?
Mr McAlpin: I wouldn't try going that way
Lisa: Can we (meaning me and her) try going that way?

Mr McAlpin: I don't care which way you go.
So me and Lisa venture off to the murky waters which we thought would be easier than going through the mud. I mean you just had to inch your way around the puddle onto dry land and up an easy slope right? hehe Wrong! When we get to the puddle im like lets go to the right so we have the wooden post to hold on to but she says to go on the left so we have the gate to hold on to. So we debate about it for a bit and decide to go our seperate ways.
My side was really squishy so im like " err lisa i think your way was better" (she was having no trouble at all) and she starts laughing and when i make it to the other side, she shrieks and when I turn around, i see her with her foot in the mud. As in her entire foot and a bit of her leg was submerged and when she lifted it up, it was like a ball of mud on her leg. So she's freaking out right? Meanwhile, i'm standing there cracking up (arent I such a good friend) and she has to like, climb over the fence to avoid anymore mud that she could fall into. Turns out that a lot of our chosen path was blocked off by either barbed wire or locked gates so we had a hell of a lot of climbing to do and i got heaps of scratches and a gash on my leg that may or may not have bled. So that was ag...

The rest of the day was kind of uneventful, Art we worked on our major work, HSIE: pfft boring, Science: Tormenting Mr Peck is fun and we stared at pretty lights O_O and English:watched an interview on this guy that was in KKK, was alright.

Omgsh social tomorrow! can't wait! was experimenting with purple eyeliner (which AShley gave me LOVE YOU SO MUCH MAN!) and looked disturbing:) but now i wonder what my mums gna say when she sees me walk out of the house with so much eyeliner :S oh well:)
Yeah thats about as interesting as my life gets, toodles!'



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