Divalicious ;P

Aloha Amy!
Tis your birthday today and you have turned the good ol' fifteen. You don't look that old to be quite honest. You're so lucky >< hehe we have one messed up family eh? You're my daughter, mariel is your...cousin? sister? ONe of the two but then I'm her sister. WEIRD O_O
Amy, my dear, you are a wonderful person and your birthday is just one of the days that I can fully acknowledge it. You are so talented with an awesome voice, and crazy dance skills. I'm telling you, you're gna go far:P You are so glamorous but not over the top with it, I love how you always manage ot look good no matter what the occasion.
You deserve all the love you get from your family, friends, schoolmates and everyone you interact with. I have valued every moment I have spent with you and I thankyou for giving me the opportunity to be in your company.
Camp of 08 was awesome. The failed setting up of the tent:P And then the WIND knocked it down...damn you wind ==" LOL Good times eh? You're trustworthy, sweet and have good morales. Oh yeah you're cool like that (H) Wow this card is written really badly. Ah well.
All I really wanted to say is that you are awesome! Never change because people love you exactly the way you are. You're intelligence is notable. Yearlies of last year, I remember you helped me cram for maths. Wow you explain things well. So amy, on your fifteenth birthday I want oyu to know that no matter what happens or is said, you're an awesome buddy who has blessed the lives of many just by being a great daughter friend. Have a wonderful birthday Amy, you deserve it :)
Love Kyleen


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