Painful Hi-fives and Other Mothers

LOL@MARIEL! omgsh me and her have epic hi fives. We dont stop till we get enough (H) Seriously. At lunch, Thai was filming Monica for an IPT assignment, and omgsh Mariel you crack me up:P Ok so it was like:
Thai: How do you make friends?
You have to be nice to people and
Mariel: B***H (this is strictly a non-swearing blog!)
Monica: AHH F**K YOU!! And that's how you make friends :)

THAT was followed by a painful hi five between me and mariel :) There's some unneccessary and rather boring information for you:)

On a more entertaining note, I watched Coraline with Israaq, Ashley and Diem today :D In 3D! oh yeah (H) but the 3D glasses arent multi coloured! This is blasphemy I tell you!!!!! It was good. They followed the book well(Y) When Diem left, we walked her to the carpark to make sure she wouldn't get rolled and we saw a teletubby ride near breadtop and LALA AND DIPSY HAD NO ANTENNA!!!!! WHAT IS THIS?! more blasphemy I tell you >.> NTS: post up photos when bothered :D


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