Teachers Own!

Seriously. Today, the teachers were on a comeback roll! Well maybe just three or so of them but still! since when did teachers have enough life to be able to chop down there students?

Example 1:
MR. Peck: A tsunami that's half a metre is like a brick wall half a metre high travelling towards you at 800km an hour. You would die.
George: Then you jump over it.
MR. Peck: George, you couldn't even see over it.


Example 2:
Ms. Sayed: They're trying to say that there's more to the Aboriginals then meets the eye. Kinda like Avi. There's more to him then meets the eye.


Bit later on...
Ms. Sayed: Avi, you know I was kidding right
Avi: yeah sure miss
Ms Sayed: Oh cause I saw a tear earlier


Oh this has nothing to do with teacehrs' ownage but I thought I should include this:
Ms. Sayed: Does anyone know what a vector is?
It's the giant crocodile in Sonic :)
lol Daniel is so cute ^_^

I swear there were more teacher-beat-student scenarios but I cant remember them :S


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