Centre Point Tower and Creating COnnections

Creating Connections was so funny today ! We had to build towers out of newspaper and sticky tape and our group tried making center point tower :P It ended up looking like a basketball hoop which eventually folded into itself so THAT was a fail. Wendy, you are such a cool leader:P Giving out candy and what not (H) Love it!

hmm I have WEEO WISER tomorrow... I think it might be the last one...is it? Hope not. I like them :) They're actually pretty good. The video we watched last week was kinda traumatising though. I find it really funny howwe all attack the food though and none ofus ever go alone. Once one person is brave enough to walk to the center of the table, EVERYONE just follows cause we're a bunch of hungry people :)

omgsh...everytime I check my blog, I have a lot more views but NO comments...I think I just quoted Danica P there. so yeah COMMENT PLEASE!! Love you lots :)


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