Difficult Challenges and Evil Dictators

Mr Pollock is a prick ==" I walk in to History minor and straight away he's like "kyleen down the front please" WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?! Evil son of a gun . ..

Also, yesterday I was challenged to not say "ngaww hot cute" for the whole day by Mariel. Let me just say, I failed miserably. So I was on the phone with Carissa last night and we decided that I'm going to keep trying until I last an entire day without saying that line. Today, I failed again =="

Oh well, we have no time for negativity so we shall see what tomorrow brings :) Anyway..this is a video I saw on youtube that I think is pretty cute/sad in a morbid kinda way? It's good watch it!

Edit: I REALLY cant be bothered resizing it all. I hate this skin I'm going to change it soon. in the meantime, bear with me?


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