Even hyperactivity has a birthday :)

Lovely Lisa
Happy 15th Birthday Hero!! You STILL haven't spoken in that play yet. That is SO unlike you though:P If she WAS like you, you;d always be in the spotlight xD It's a good thing though. You're a very loud, bubbly fun person. Not to mention a Martial Artian (MARTIAN I TELL YOU!!). Seriously, I don't think that blogging you this card has any point ot it whatsoever cause I tell you exactly what I think of you in person anyway in our heart to heart talks in science in the room that Mr Peck gets pissy in. I love those talks with you because you understand a lot and give advice accordingly.
Yeah, we've had our disagreements before (like whether I should talk or not..if you get what I mean :P) but we've never actually FOUGHT. wow I stared at the word "fought" for a while and now it doesnt look like a real word O_o ANYWAY, we have had our moment. From our "date with destiny" to our many random art antics and watching My Sisters Keeper which made us bawl like a pair of babies:P That's an exaggeration but you get it right? We've had a lot of good times.
Right now, you are probably one of three of my my most trusted friends and I don't regret ever making that choice. I tell you and two other people (which you can probably guess) practically everything about my life and I love how you guys respond. I KNOW I can trust you and i know you've always got my back no matter what certain...people say about us. (again, you know who I mean right? you know..captain? Yeah her...) You are an awesome basketball buddy who isnt afraid to say what she thinks about...anything and never sugarcoats her thoughts. Good on you (Y)
Lisa, you aren't fat at all. You KNOW im kidding right? :S You're actually very pretty and i'm being honest here. You're smart, creative, TANK, athletic and all the things that make someone really special. Enjoy your awesomeness deary! One more year till you can be eligible for certain...activities....
Im talking abotu driving btw.

Love Kyleen!


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