Alphabet Love
Omgsh these last two daays I have felt so...not good. Not bad but I feel so lazy and irritated. Maybe its the Teen Angst kicking in :P I need to get out though D: I feel so imprisoned here. Not saying I hate my family or anything but you know, I'm so cut off from the outside world... hehe thats a bit melodramatic but yeah...
Anyway...I like anonymous letters. I've decided, every post, I shall right an anonymous letter thingy to people starting with A certain letter of the alphabet. One letter per post :) And no, it will not be filled with thing I dislike about people. Quite Frankly, I dont really like anonymous letters like that. I know I've done that before but since then, I realised, it's stupid and mean so yeah...I shall call this ALPHABET LOVE. A lot of people are like "what's the point of an anonymous letter if you're going to tell them GOOD things that you wouldnt mind telling them anyway? Well, when does normal conversation ever allow for someone to say "I like you're sense of humour"? Usually, it doesn't cause that would be random. So, to start off (oh and each colour, font, boldness etc is a different person) :
Dear A:
I am so mean to you, but I hope you know, that even though I am mean, I do really love the way you're always there for me and I appreciate your constant readiness to talk no matter how mean I was to you two seconds earlier. I love how you are so sweet and religious and you keep me grounded. As in, your virtues and stuff rub off on me and I remember to stay a nice little girl (A). Oh and I love the way you dance ;) I love your hugs ^^ I love your walking hugs. I love our random conversations that end up with one of us lost xD and the way you're so faithful to your friends. I love your outgoingness :P I love your SKILLALICIOUSNESS (H) I love our teamwork and even though you made me run into a pole you make me laugh so it all balances out :) I love your piano skills and your innocence LOL I love everything about you. You're so sweet and understanding and everything that makes a friend so friggen awesome. I love your cute manner and how you're always up for anythign and the way we never get awkward, no matter how long its been since we last had a D&M You are so adorable and mysterious..I love it^^ You are a funny funny person and I love your sarcastic tone and your performance as Don Pedro ;P
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