Life stopped being Awesome=="

YAYAY THe basketball courts are finally useable !! I think they've been opne for a while but o one ever brought a ball? SO yeah. Today was the first day that I played basketball all term. Twas good :) ALthough, probably not a smart idea cause I was feeling sick. I ended up going back up a bit after the second half bell went and just sitting with Kaboir with a fruit pop :) Fruit pops are addictive O_O Hard to eat but good :P Also, I just realised today would be my last Alphabet Love day !! AMazing :P Feedback please? I thought of it on my own :) That's right, I'm asking you people to credit me if you steal it >=] Yes, I'm evil like that :P
Ag was pretty fun. Kind of a bludge and some guy was taking photos. Pedo much? O_o lol Mr Pollock set us another Research task. Lame ==" After reports come out, Im only caring about Histpory minor presentations. We only have two mulligan periods left so I might not have to do mine :D and im not doing history next year so I have officially stopped caring :D:D
oh and Mariel, Operation Mango (you know which one im tlaking about :P) is well underway >=]

Dear Z: Ok I take it back,,YESTERDAY was the last day of Alphabet love cause I cant think of anyone starting with Z :O so that's the end of that :)


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