A break in the monotony

Yesterday, a bunch of us (in order of appearance) me, Ashley, Thai, Henry Ly, Brendon, Israaq and Simon went to Darling Harbour to supposedly watch Avatar 3D at IMAX. I met Ashley at Livo and we were going to head to cabra together to meet up with everyone else. Victo, I am very disappointed. Can't believe I didn't see you ==" Same arrival time, same train, same platform. WHAT IS THIS?!
Anyway. . .we got ot cabra and ashley was getting a tad worried cause no one was there. But then again, we were 20minutes early. I saw kimmy who i havent seen in aaaaages. Miss that kid. Must catch up with her :D Sorry for kinda snobbing you then ashley :S I sitll love you lots and lots ! Then she had to go and me and ashley started roaming the station looking for people and once everyone was there (simon being the last one there even though HE organised the meeting time and place. Nice simon :P) we caught a train to Town Hall.
Oh and I hate you all >.> Nobody listened to me ><
We ended up in Darling Harbour eventually and ran into Thai's sister. She's cute ^^ And yeah, we went to IMAX but the line was really long and Avatar was sold out so we just ate and the guys minus watched some guys lame magic tricks. And apparently the guy threatened to kill Thai's dog?
Then we went to McDonalds near the playground thingy where me and Ashley made it over the net thing easily and did not struggle THAI! Brendon and Henry went to get McDonalds and then off we went to Market City Galaxy World. I swear, SImon and Henry, you guys are gna be so broke when you're older :P You guys dont know your limits. BUt in fairness to you, you did win a few times.
They FINALLY got bored of gambling..yeah, they got like $10-$15(?) worth of tokens and just used them all on the gambling machine thingy. SO we all went to the station cause SImon had to get home early for tutoring. ANd omgsh we got lost ! Yes, Israaq lead us to a station but it was museum not Town Hall ==" It took us like an hour to get there.
THen on the train certain nosy people were trying to get my phone >.> Eh it provided a whole train ride's worth of entertainment though :P
ALl in all, a pretty fun day. Got to see people I havent seen in a while, I was able to catch up and talk about topics that required urgent attention and yeah..it was good :D Oh and Thankyou SImon for not participating in Thai and Henry's attempt to read my msgs, Thankyou Ashley for protecting my bag from them and Thanks for the cookies Thai :P Love you kids heaps :)


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