Letters To You

Mystery Man: Yeah, I walked the streets of countries far far away.

I had the time of my life partying until the night

I met knew people who I wish I didn't
leave behind. But no. I didn't forget you.
Can you say the same?

Danger Warning: This is a one way street.

Her: Why don't you ever have time for me anymore?
Him: You don't give me a chance to give you time!
You: I don't want to seem clingy

Her: Why not?
Him: Everytime I try, you push me away
You: Cause, I just dont want to

Her: Then why are you wasting your time?
Him: Cause I love you
You: Cause I love you. Why can't you see that?

Her: Maybe we're better as friends
You: No. We're not.
Her: How can you say that when you only talk to me when its convenient for you?! At least he makes an effort. He goes out of his way just to see me. What about you?
You: What about me? If he puts in so much more effort than me, then what are oyu doing with me?
Her: I don't know. I thought that maybe if I hung on for a bit longer, things would get better. But they're not
You: Fine then. Go with him.
Her: FINE!


Him: Thankyou for giving me you
Her: Its all I ever wanted


You: The reason I didn't make an effort to talk to you is because that's the mistake I made last time. I thought I learnt from my mistakes but I guess I just screwed up again. It looked like you loved him more than me so I thought it would be easier for you to be happy if I let you go. But I love you. I've always loved you. And im sorry for hurting you.

Her: Why didn't you say anything earlier?


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