Order Forms and Walks In The Rain

Aw man, I just woke up from a nap and now i fell sick. There is something wrong with me ==" Anyway, people were coming around the roll classes for Valentine's Day order form things. I didn't buy anyone anything. Except for some loser that asked/hinted for one. LOL I'm kidding. About them being a loser, not about them asking for it, cause they did :P But you know you're awesome right? I don't need to remind you Pernickety Rose recipient ;) I wonder how many other people got roses/songs or whatever for other people. Courtney was telling me that Year 10 went crazy with the orders. Yeah ! We have a romantic grade (H) Good job guys, keep it up (Y) :L
The weather was having crazy mood swings. Freaking make up your mind >< But i like the rain so its all good :D I think I'm going to like commerce this year. Its pretty interesting/fun cause of Mr Kearney. Speaking of Mr Kearney, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SAY HIS NAME! Like, everyone pronounces it Kah-ney. Which is all fine and dandy but I talk funny and it feels weird to pronounce it like that. but then Car-ney feels even weirder. Yes, this is a terrible crisis. lol im so dramatic O_O ignore me, anyway, on that note, I bid you farewell.


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