I Became Somebody through Loving You

I bought the sunnies I wanted from Cotton On today (H) Yeah..that was the highlight of my day. Which is weird, cause usually, Wednesdays mean my highlight would be basketball. But Ingleburn didn't show up. Thanks for that Ingleburn. Cause you know, we weren't planning to verse you or anything... We were practising and I was full ready for it and everything FINALLY mastered layups !! At this point, a lot of you are probably thinking “psh is that all she's proud of?"But seriously, I SUCK at layups.. It's a real accomplishment for me ok? Next thing to learn: Perfect jump shots 8-) Man I suck =="

Yay ! It's getting cold. And rainy ^^ Danica P and a whole lot of other people are probably hating on me right now :P But I LOVE the rain and cold ^^ That sounds so... depressing cause it's like "ew.. she likes gloomy weather" But I have an explanation! Not really.. I just like the cold cause I feel lazy in the heat :P I HATE the heat.. Like you start sweating and eurgh..it's just so uncomfortable. The COLD on the other hand, i'm pretty ok with tolerating. And I like wind. Sweat-free and cooling. Helps me think clearer. Is that weird? Rain is good too. NO THAI! NOT for the same reason :P But I go high in the rain for some reason. The rain falling feels nice...once again, I must ask, is this weird? O_o

Speaking of the cold, would you rather iceblocks or icecreams? I like iceblocks better, cause they cool you down better and its like a solid drink ! tis good. Whereas icecream is all sticky and sweet. Icecreams taste better but iceblocks are more refreshing..yknow what i mean? O_o What the heck am I on about? Ok, I'm going to stop before I talk about more irrelavnt stuff :D ON that note, I bid you farewell !


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