They Turned Love into a mathematical equation

Let's pretend this was written yesterday shall we ? :)

So today Mariel and I went to Liverpool Westfields. Actually, I just tagged along cause I had easyway cravings =/ I ended up getting him something too..not my first choice though. I was $1.90 short. because SOMEBODY decided to get two easyways in a row. Im looking at you Mariel >.> Nah.. can't shove the blame on her :P Yes, that's right. I spent $7.90 on easyway. Worst part was finishing the first drink, chucking it in the bin that was right next to the easyway stand and asking for another one right after the guy SAW me walk past. So you know what he said? "Did you just chuck yours out and buy another one? O_o" My reply? " My um... friend wants one *shiftylook*" Gosh i'm pathetic :P POINT IS I got Troy's birthday card, as did Mariel. ooooh I went into cotton on and they have the sunnies i wanted >< But once again, couldnt cause stupid easyway took my money ==" Oh well, I am two drinks closer to a free one :P


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