You Placed the Stars in The Sky and you know them by name

I've realised, when I'm trying to think of title for a blog post, I end up writing a line from the song I'm listening to. Which in this case is Indescribable - Chris Tomlin. Just a bit of pointless Trivia for you :P
Being sick for two days of the holidays.. what a waste. See the thing is, I wasn't event hat sing/ Well I was but I was able to go on msn from bed >=D I wanted to go out today but my mum is pretty protective and said im still recovering. Joy..
What is up with the weather? It's hot ! In autumn ! What the heck? >< Stay cold dammit !
In other news, I've been thinking, I have two sisters and no brothers so my whole life, I have been surrounded by girls (excluding le pa pa) so why the hell are me and my sisters so.. guyish? I think I've come up with a solution ! Me and my sisters are the same, we like to..defy the odds. We're stubborn and we all like to prove people wrong. So when someone says something like "oh they wouldn't be interested/good, it's a guy thing", I think we all try it out anyway to prove them wrong...and end up becoming very.. unfeminine. Wow. The amount of elipses I used in that paragraph. They are my new obsession (H) Ok, that's just sad. My new obsession is a grammatical one? WEIRD. I need to get out man :P SOMEONE GO PARRA AND TAKE ME TO WATCH ALICE IN WONDERLAND PLEASE D:


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