Counter blog #1: You're Black... no offense

You know what really bothers me? When people tack on 'no offense' to things that are CLEARLY offensive. Like "Sorry guys, but I'm going to hang out with these people cause you're kinda boring... no offense" HOW is that meant to make it any better? Well I guess they're just trying to make something that should be offensive sound less offensive.. good luck to them. I don't mind that that much actually.
But what annoys me even MORE is when people who mention black people and say "no offense" somewhere in the sentence. Like they'd be talking about something that happened and they'd be like "oh and this - no offense - black person was like.." I guess they're trying to NOT be racist but if you think about it, it's like being called black SHOULD be offensive. It isn't. I mean society addresses white people casually by their colour so why does it suddenly become offensive to describe black people by their colour? Tacking on "no offense" kinda makes the statement more offensive than it should be because it suggests that giving somone that title or description is derogatory and that precautions should be taken for them to not get offended. But honestly, it's the opposite. Why do they need to excuse or ensure that the person they are refering to as black isn't offended when the word black itself shouldn't be offensive to begin with? I don't think I explained myself well so I probably sound like a racist jerk right now :P If i do.. my bad :S
Oh and I hate when people stereotype. Especialy gender stereotypes. There is one particular person that is VERY stereotypical. eg "Why don't you like pink? You're a girl. YOu should like pink... Why are you playing games like that? Only guys play those kind of games?...How come you don't want to try out for netball? Isn't taht a girls sport? basketball is for boys" No joke. Someone said all of that to me before. Oh and that SAME person said to a guy "Why do you like purple? Isn't that kind of a girl's colour? I mean it gets categorised as a girly colour. Like pink and stuff. You should be liking blue!" It annoys me. Since when did gender ever determine what your interests should be? Ok I get it, there are some things that are STRICTLY for guys and girls (like public toilet entrances ;P) But things ilke your favourite colour should not be influence by your gender or the hormones that are raging through your body. SEriously, what started the whole "boys llike blue, girls like pink" I guess I can excuse the sporting stereotypes because anatomically, guys have more muscle mass than girls GENERALLY. But with colour its just like.. wth why can't I like whatever colour I want? GO AWAY YOU !


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