Day 1

So first day of half yearlies. I don't count yesterdday as the beginning cause non calculator didn't seem very official. I got 20/20 for it. Yay ! :D I usually suck at maths. Like really bad. So I'm happy and pleasantly surprised :P
How did everyone find Maths and Major? Maths was kinda... lame. Like some of the one mark questions required way too much working out for it to be worth just one mark ==" that is dodgy. Art was... well I'm glad I crammed. If I didn't I would not have been able to answer the last question so thankyou koshila for teaching me :) We had mahfouz for the art exam and he left the room for a minute and everyone was freaking out. With good reason. HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW HOW THE PAINTING REPRESENTS AUSTRALIAN CULTURE?! I honestly don't think the artist thought that deeply about what they were going to. Just once, I'd like to hear a teacher or a really good student analyse my landscape artwork from last year and see what they come up with :P Cause honestly, most of it was an accident...
Man, we had a plan to write "This test is dope" at the end of art but I dont think anyone but me and lisa did it :S Danica and Annie didn't have time cause mahfouz was all PENS DOWN !!! Scary man he is.... ok. plan for tonight: STUDY! NO HIMYM... maybe just one episode... 8-) ok ok ok science cramming session yayay ! oh that shouls be fun.


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