I Never Thought I'd Be The One To Say

Why must we hide certain aspects of our llives from society? Ok, fair enough, some things SHOULD remain a secret. But trivial things like what went on somewhere sometime, why bother? Keeping it a secret makes it ten times worse. So you make a mistake, hell it was one big mistake, but hiding it puts it in a more negative light. Like "Oh damn, she's trying to hide it, must be bad..." But if you just said it out loud, "hey i got smashed on the weekend" What are people going to say? "Hey you're an idiot"? yeah... and ?You admitted. What else can they do? Threaten to tell other people? #1 they probably wouldn't be so immature. #2 you already publicised it.
I think it's human nature to constantly fear judgement. Keeping the fact that you drank waaaay too much ont he weekend is probaly something we wouldn't want publicised, i admit that was a bad example. But things like how we feel about someone? Both negative and positive feelings. Easier said than done, I agree. But there is a particular person in our grade who made me think about this... I mean usually the scenario is like:
person A: omgsh do you like ____?
person B: NO! :$
person A: OMGSH YOU DO [giggle giggle]
But if you actually said it, they have nothing on you ! No secrets to hold against you or anything. People could be saved a lot of embarassment and awkwardness if they just admitted it. The situation could go down very differently:
person A: Do you like ______?
person B: yeah
person A: oh...
They can't say anything. Rather than deny it and have people tease you because you seem ashamed of the fact that you have feelings that make you pretty damn human, just say it and see what happens. You never know, you could end up happier than you imagined.


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