This Is Going To Be A While...
I love how after the exam period, all the blogs I read start off with "We're freeeeeeee!" or something. you know what's funnier than that? WE'RE NOT ! We have that stupid English assignment to do ==" I haven't started, lost my notification and only JUST reset my moodle password.
Speaking of moodle, how many people got letters sent home for not registering? And out of that number, how many of your mums went into the school to ask about it? Cause mine did :S She picked me up from school and started walking in and it was like:
Me: um.. hi.
Mum: I want to see your teacher.
Me: err... why?
Mum: I got this in the mail about your homework -holds up official looking letter-
Me: reads the first line "...has failed to something something" at this point im thinking CRAP what hw havent I done? D: but its just freaking moodle.
Mum: I thought you were responsible but you're always chatting on the internet, maybe ill tell your teacher about that too.
Me: takes letter and walks ahead to the english staffroom to tell Miss Young that I WENT TO MR CRAIGS OFFICE THREE TIMES! he closed the door in my face :( (Literally)
I swear my mum was ready to argue her point. I think she thought it was soemthing like... REALLY important (cause moodle isnt..) and yeah. She was all "you didn't do anything then explain ! If you wont I will" etcetc. Not a pleasant experience =="
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