Remake of art challenge
Write continuously for 30 minutes:
decided to try something new with my blog. Seeing as its hardly updated.. randomly i mean. Patheticism. Is that even a word? I highly doubt it :P it should be. It sounds cool. Congruency. Screws me over big time. gah msn thingy lighting up. Must leave conversation hanging.Nananananananananana batmaaaaaaaan. Raw thoguhts. Not sure if its safe to put these raw thoughts of mine up publicly :P Ahw ell.. we'll see what ahppens. Not using backsapce. Means a billion typos cause i have uco typing skills. hehe uco. UNCO DAMMIT! how long has it ben? damn i forgot to check the time i started. LOL! fail 8-) Mind block.. how weird. This is rather therapeautic (someone check the spelling of that :P) I recommend you try this one day. It's relieving. my tuna and cracker snack thingy didnt give me a fork :( Or so i thought. AHA! it has been found. Dlickering orange light ont he bottom of my screen. Must attend to it . Ok so this wasnt half an hour. But it'll do pig. It'll do. Until next time I try this , Farewell
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