13. Someone you wish could forgive you

Dear ___,

There's no point in writing this letter cause I know you forgive me. For everything I have ever done, cause you're just like that and I love that you are. Thanks for accepting me everytime I went wrong and guiding me. Putting me on the right path etc. There are so many things in my life that I can be thankful for and it's all because of you.

Your forgiveness means the world to me and it always will (woah! I just used always ! There's a reason for that...). Honestly, despite the fact that you are all forgiving, I'm afraid to face you when I go wrong so I am trying my hardest not to give myself a reason to fear you. I love you. that's the reality of it and there are so many legit reasons why I should so addressing this letter to someone I wish could forgive me is pointless because I know you do.

Love Lots, Kyleen

P.s. This video never fails to make me teary :P


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