5. Dreams

Dear Dreams,
How am I meant to write a letter to you when I'm not even sure how to address you? This 9is rather difficult. I guess I'd want to thank you for giving me a reason to try and making my future seem somewhat planned. Although, I must say, you scare me. I mean, why must you be so hard to get?
I guess in a way, every one's dreams stem from the basic desire to be happy and yet, when something goes wrong, we feel like it's the end of the world. But then, generally, my default mood is happy and it's out of the ordinary to be UNhappy rather than it being the other way around... am I making sense? probably not...
So to you, my dear dream, thank you for not being as hard to get as I sometimes make you out to be. Yep, once again, I am contradicting myself. For now, let's not specify what exactly it is you are but once I think about it, you really aren't that difficult to obtain. In the end, it all comes down to me and what I'm willing to do to turn you into a reality. Perseverance + determination = YOOOOOOOOOOOOOU. At this point, it would probably be the time to specify what exactly you are. I'm sorry to disappoint but what's life without a little mystery right? ;D
This has been a really pathetic letter :S All about my simplistic views and incompetent writing skills. I'm sorry. I don't know how to write to a dream that lacks certainty. My fear of the unknown becomes intensified when the possibility of failure becomes more and more real. Thinking about my dreams and aspirations makes me realise that the reality isn't necessarily going to be exactly as you dreamed and yet, all i can do is hope.
Love Lots, Kyleen
P.s It's going to be hard, but I can get you. The question is will I?


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