7. Ex Crush

Dear Danger Warning,
I don't know why this even happened. I mean, yeah you were nice and everything but it didn't really make sense. I barely knew you. Honestly, I think it was more of a... fascination. That sounds really slack but if someone were to ask me "How much did you like him?" I wouldn't be able to answer because in all honesty, the whole itme you were a part of my life, there was still this nagging thought in the back of my head saying "What the hell are you doing ?"
Don't get me wrong, you're pretty cool, a bit immature, a tad clingy but the thing that made me decide you weren't worth it was some of the things you said. Let's not specify cause NO ONE knows. So maybe we are better as friends, despite the fact that I don't think we're even that anymore. But hey, I saw you the other day and you seemed pretty good so what's stopping us from being friends again? Me. That's what. It's hard for me to let go of the past and I'm sorry that you had to suffer but I'm happy with the decisions I made now. And you seem to be too. So who knows, maybe one day we shall be on speaking terms again. Unless you hate me THAT much.
Love lots, Kyleen
P.s. Word of warning, don't try convincing a girl to go against her values over little things. It doesn't send a good message when it comes to bigger things.


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