Inconsistent much?
Man this 30 day letter challenge requires so much botheration ==" sorry for the inconsistence. But they WILL all get there... eventually. Meanwhile, have you guys realised that this year has gone unbelievably fast? IT'S CRAZY ! I feel like hardly anything has happened, and yet when you think about it, a LOT has happened this year.
But that's a persona observation. I need something to make me start taking this year seriosuly. Cause every week feels like it's still the start of term and to me, the start of term is never taken seriously :P What a bad attitude... ANother realisation, my blogs are so poorly written these days. The paragraphs start and end randomly and the subject is really inconsistent and I get off topic really easily... it's like me in the real world !
I need something to do these holidays while I'm at home. NO MUM! CLEANING THE HOUSE WILL NOT CURE MY BOREDOM. Am I the only one whose parents tell me to clean if I'm so bored? meh... Anyway, I've started reading this manga called Absolute Boyfriend. It sounds really weird and it is. At the start. And if you read the synopsis you'll all probably be like "omgsh she's a pervert !" but in between all the pervertedness (I swear to you there isn't much), it's actually really sweet ^^ And the main girl reminds me of Orihime from Bleach. Except shorter and younger. But yeah, I suggest you read it :D
That paragraph never happened? What paragraph? Exactly . Gosh I'm weird. Starting to have conversations with myself. Let's stop now... 8-)
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