Games games games

SO in the past 24 hours I have gotten three new games, both for my computer and ds. One of these games was bleach on DS. I thought it would be really cool and...more fighty i guess (don't oyu love my wording? :P) But it's so boring ! There wasn't much information on the cover so I decided to take a risk and buy it today anyway.
It's practically the same as fire emblem with the whole strategy thing. I like fire emblem. But I only want one of that kind of game D: Two is just... no. I reserve my ds for adventure games and stuff just because I find it funner than "YOU THERE !MOVE TO THAT PLACE AND I'LL JUST WATCH YOU DO THE FUN BITS !"
I should really leave the gaming reviews to Simon Chau.. This is so badly structured. Anywho, onto more pressing matters. Camp is soon ! yay ^^ I need to ask my sister where she put my memory card >.> I refuse to not bring a camera this time :P Or maybe I won't. Leave the memory capturing to people who are actually bothered or smth :P
I have a question; why do we still go to school? yeah... dwell on that. While you're at it, dwell on this too; How do we know Humpty Dumpty is an egg?


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