toi thich ban

That picture reminds me of Danica's Crime photo. Good times :P

Relatively short and rushed post because I want to finish in time for How I Met Your Mother :P Today I realised, I am never going to have history or PE again. It's really not that big a deal. I just felt like sharing :/ But seriously, I'm so used to having subjects I dread (like history and geography) and thinking about next year, I want to do all my subjects so I don't think I'll be dreading it. Unless the teachers are really... undesirable :P Oh yeah I used a big word (H) not really...
Anywho, art presentation thing tomorrow! Yes I am missing out on Mufti Day. Big whoop :P I cbb anyway ! Winter uniform.. damn I thought I was done with it. Ah well time to find it :S I'm sure it will pop up somewhere. Omgsh there was a cockroach lurking near my wardrobe and now im scared to go near my wardrobe cause what if it went in? :O Yes, I have an irrational phobia of cockroaches. Got a problem ? >.> Im kidding. I blame my sisters. They used to threaten me with the dreaded 'Cockroach Monster' if I got ready too slowly :/


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