When I grow up, I want to be with you !
cheesy pick up line (H) anywho, I was thinking about a question from one of the many surveys I have done on this blog that asked When did you know you had grown up? or something like that and I realised my answer is different to what I wrote.
I remember when I was younger and my sister and my dad would be able to answer every single question I had and I was so amazed by their intelligence and I assumed they knew everything.
Then I grew up.
The questions I asked were met with a "I don't know" more often than I was used to. And slowly, I no longer relied on my sister to read over my reports or essays to make sure they were ok. Or ask my dad to help me with maths. To be honest, when I first started noticing it, the thought was unnerving.
One day, I asked my sister "Remember when you used to be able to answer my questions?" and she said "That's cause your questions were easier." The obvious solution had escaped me and I never once stopped to think that maybe my questions back then weren't as challenging as they are now. Because my perception of my sister was... this genius who knew everything and her getting something wrong or not knowing was something I couldn't grasp. So when the time came when I was old enough and my knowledge had expanded enough to be almost on par with hers, it was weird to hear her say "I don't know".
My point being, to me growing up was when older people no longer had all the answers to my questions.
I remember when I was younger and my sister and my dad would be able to answer every single question I had and I was so amazed by their intelligence and I assumed they knew everything.
Then I grew up.
The questions I asked were met with a "I don't know" more often than I was used to. And slowly, I no longer relied on my sister to read over my reports or essays to make sure they were ok. Or ask my dad to help me with maths. To be honest, when I first started noticing it, the thought was unnerving.
One day, I asked my sister "Remember when you used to be able to answer my questions?" and she said "That's cause your questions were easier." The obvious solution had escaped me and I never once stopped to think that maybe my questions back then weren't as challenging as they are now. Because my perception of my sister was... this genius who knew everything and her getting something wrong or not knowing was something I couldn't grasp. So when the time came when I was old enough and my knowledge had expanded enough to be almost on par with hers, it was weird to hear her say "I don't know".
My point being, to me growing up was when older people no longer had all the answers to my questions.
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