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Sent chills down the onlookers spine
- Went to Avi's house yesterday since I couldn't go the day before
- Avi had just woken up when I got there apparently :P
- Ate all of his food and mothered Nick cause he was busy playing COD to feed himself
- Played COD. Yeah I'm pro (H) Loljk I suck D:
- Tried to convince Mariel to come over. Failed
- Watched Nick play COD until we decided to play brawl cause Avi was taking ages to get off the phone and shower.
- Went to the shops to eat and the automatic doors stopped working LOL
- Got back to Avi's at 4ish. Avi and Nick were close to asleep so they made em get a movie off Avi's computer and do everything
- Picked Scream 4 cause Nick is funny when he watches scary movies :D
- Nick hid under the blanket for half the time
- My sister called at 5.30 to tell me she was outside the house and I didn't even find out who the Scream Killer person was!
- Avi walked me to the door and Nick freaked out. He was like "What? Guys! Can you switch off the dvd player first?!" -hides under blanket again- LMAO He's so cute :P
- Got home and ate Chicken (Y)
- Oh and my sister somehow fixed my phone today. It turned on! Except my sim card wasn't in when she turned it on and when we changed the sim cards around, the on button got jammed again D: But I got it eventually.. yeah, cool story bro 8)
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