Backtsreet's back alright!

Hi all! I got my pottermore email thingy and now I can explore stuff :D I was so antsy cause I got the email yesterday and I was capped but now im not so yay! (cool story bro). So once again, the exams are coming p and once again, to me it seems like it's far far away. I haven't started studying. I keep thinking I have like 2-3 weeks but apparently I don't? I don't even know when exams start tbh and I can't cram in theempty space between exams cause I have 6 exams in a row D: Oh well, I have time to study for bio :D But Legal, I REALLY need to start studying. And I will! On the weekend.
Speaking of things that I don't think I urgently need to do cause they seem oh so far away,I haven't gotten my informal dress. And Carissa, I swear to you I will do that if you buy the dress for me ;P Yesterday, I was ready to blog and stuff but then, my computer was all laggy and I was capped so I didn't and it really bugged me cause I'm rarely bothered to blog. I only ever blog when the computer is already on when I get home cause it takes forever to start up. And sicne my mum and sister got iphones, they dont need to go on the computer as much anymore so it's never been on. Today, I turned it on cause I felt like I should pay attention to my blog. Not that I ever write anything of interest. It's a wonder I still get views really...I should find more surveys to fill in space.... The amount of ellipses I use in my blog post is amazing O_O  
Oooh oooh! Nick, Avi and Kabir are 40 hour famining and they can't talk. Oh it's so fun :') Avi should watch what notes he passes and what teachers happen to read such notes. ehe . ^^ Nick is beasting it. He's the only one that hasn't cracked. Avi's up to like.. 49 hours because he's cracked that many times and Kabir's at like.. 4/5 I think? But yes, tomorrow shall be amusing. And I feel slightly special because I can understand Avi's hand gestures :P That is all


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