Day 8

Day 8: What do you think would be your favourite lesson?

Defence Against the Dark Arts cause I like being able to defend myself. I swear I have some weird cynical side to me that is capable of murder. I was looking for my School Certificate the other night, trying to get a hold of my Student Number and when I looked into a basket under my bed, there was a knife. I don't know what it's still doing there. I mean.. it shouldn't be there in the first place *shifty look* But yes, Defence Against the Dark Arts sounds fun and I love Lupin's last exam with the obstacle course. I thought that was pretty cool. And when i play with my HP wand, I usually say those kinda spells... you know the ones that one would learn in a DADA lesson.
I think I'd really like potions too. I mean, I like it on Pottermore and I'd feel really accomplished if I did it properly. aaand I like following a set of instructions like that... It's a weird interest of mine but when there is a list of objectives in front of me and outlines exactly what I need to/should do, I feel so efficient when I cross it off the list one by one and it's just so satisfying!


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