Step back into the realms of the past
Because I cannot be bothered thinking about something to blog about properly, I shall do a survey. I've already done this one but it was aaages ago and it would be interesting to see what's changed since the first time I did this... which is, not hat i look at the dates, not too long ago :P Check the old one out here
What would you say is your worst flaw?
lol I asked Thai and Colin this... Colin's answer was that I don't play dota... I think that's an attribute :P But I think I worry too much for no real reason...
How many times a week do you shower?
Seven :D
Would you say that people consider you a major flirt?
Probably but to them I say I DONT CARE
Name one of your hobbies?
Playing the GeeTar :D
What is your biggest worry in life right now?
All the assignments and stuff due soon D:
Do you give up easily?
oh hell yeah O_O
What is your lucky number?
Which cousin’s are closest to your age?
erm Clarisse :D She's a few months older than me i think ?
Do you like hot or cold showers?
Depends on the weather...
What is the weather like right now?
Cloudy and sad. LOL But the weather has been having mood swings lately O_O (wow.. that was my answer for the last one :P)
Are you happy with your relationship status?
Yeah :D
What celeb would you want to spend the day with?
Robi Domingo OR OR OR James Reed(Read?) ^^
What colors would you like to have at your wedding?
ANy combination of purple white and silver :D
Do you drink?
What are you craving right now?
Asian food ! D: Yum cha, Pho 76 :9 awww ><
Describe how you feel right now in one word?
Stressed .. I say while im blogging when i SHOULD be doign assignments. Yep stressful stuff right there...
Do you have any weird things in your room?
I have a massive pink inflatable ball. What it's doing there I have no idea. It's my sisters old room ok?
What movie did you see in theaters last?
Inception... Awesome movie !
Is the last person you hugged older than you?
Tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?
Everything :) (ooooh cheesy stuff right there :P)
What were you doing at 6:00 this morning?
What was the last reason you cried?
I was watching If Only :P
The person you like comes up and kisses you, what would you do?
Kiss him back :P
Is someone of the opposite sex on your mind?
See, the thing about this question is that there isn't until you read it. then you think "is there someone on my mind?" Then your mind wanders and tries to find if someone is and lo and behold there they be !
What does your last sent text say?
Hy there. What was with the random call earlier? :P
Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?
lol probably...
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