This is frustrating

So looking back on my New Years Resolutions for 2010, (click here) I have realised that I am terrible with keeping promises to myself. I accomplished 3/4 of them.. halfheartedly :/
  1. Do better in school. I did but not by much. I don't think the improvement was a result of more effort. Rather, a change in circumstance.
  2. Get the timing right. I'm not too sure about this one. Yes, third time lucky, I got what I wanted at the right time but I guess it's case of differentiating between what you want and what is right.
  3. Know what I want. Yes. This is probably the only one I can say I did without question. It's the easiest one I guess :P
  4. Learn to accept change. I have a looooong way to go.
So for next year? Screw it. I'm not going to make New Years Resolutions cause I realised, why do people wait until the New Year to improve themselves or their lives? People make a big deal out of the New Year because the numbers change. But all it means is that the world has gone around the sun one more time. Sorry to sound cynical or whatever but big whoop. I'm not against the whole new year celebration thing I'm just saying; why wait? It's another day just like the beginning of every other day with the only difference being the last digit in the year. So rather than creating a list of things I need to do at the beginning of the year, hoping that throughout 2011 I actually accomplish them and forgetting about them completely, I'm going to take the year as it comes and make improvements as I go along to things that i see and notice needs improving. Wish me luck :)


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